Ties Required Plus was developed to provide young adults with tips and best practices that will guide them to successfully getting and keeping employment. We focus on the dress because often that is what contributes to a “first impression”. We identify some of the real and perceived barriers that cause applicants to be overlooked. We address the basic “must- haves” to be considered for a job and also the expectations of those that are hiring.
Would you Hire Him?
Are you a Suspect?

This look can be cool. However, the bottom line is that what we wear and how we speak can have a positive or negative impression on others. When trying to get a job, keep a job and be considered for promotion, dressing for success matters! …. Don’t dress like what is portrayed on TV as a “thug or criminal”—if you want to be perceived as a dedicated intellectual that’s ready and prepared to work hard and be respected.
Are you a Prospect?
Know when and what to wear for the right occasion. Make a great 1st impression! Leave the seed of value in those you meet and approach for employment. We will teach you:
✓ The importance of the 1st impression
✓ How to build a style that fits you
✓ How to apply for a job and highlight your strengths
✓ How to best use your hands when you speak
✓ The importance of Never Giving UP!

Take a look at Beau Williams in action….

Ties Required Plus was built to provide you with several keys that will guide you to successfully obtaining employment. We identify some of the simple problems that cause people to be overlooked, by addressing the basic needs and expectations of those who wish to be employed, and those who wish to hire.
What's Wrong with what I'm Wearing
What's the REAL reason no one will hire me?
Why can’t I find a good job?
Am I willing to make some changes?

Ties Required Plus will show you what to know when talking with potential employers
Does the way I dress and talk affect my chances of employment?

​The best way to break barriers in Business & Life
If you want to improve the chances of young people’s success…LET ME HELP!